Patents are our specialty, we really understand patents in Indonesia, the patent system in Indonesia follows European patents and United States patents. This can be seen from the use of the word “where” and the word “characterized “in the two-part form claim contained in claim 1 (one) or other independent claims can be accepted in Indonesian patents.
we are ready to help you obtain protection for your invention in Indonesia, our team consisting of engineerexperts and legal experts is ready to oversee your application so that it can be granted a patent in Indonesia, we have a system to monitor every process of movement of your patent application. Our engineering and legal team ready to assist your invention . Patents in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 13 of 2016 provided for a period of protection 20 years starting from the date of receipt and simple patent provided for a period of protection 10 years starting from the date of receipt.
Industrial Design
Industrial Design (DI) is a creation of shape, configuration or composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or a combination in the form of three-dimensional or two-dimensional gives aesthetic impression and can be realized in a pattern of three-dimensional or two-dimensional and can used to produce a product, goods, industrial commodity or an Industrial Design (DI) is a creation of shape, configuration or composition of lines or colors, a combination in the form of three-dimensional or two-dimensional gives aesthetic impression and can be realized in a pattern of three-dimensional or two-dimensional and can used to produce a product, goods, industrial commodity or handicraft.
A trademarkis a sign used to distinguish goods or services used in trade activities, where the distinction can be displayed by name, word, number, image, logo, color arrangement, in two or three dimensions.In Indonesia, the trademark classification follows the NICE Classification, where the current trademark class classification consists of 45 classes. Trademark according to Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning trademark and Geographical Indicationsprovided for a period of protection 10 years starting from the date of receipt, the protection period can be extended.we are ready to help you obtain protection for your trademark wish to register, the goods and services for which the trademark will be used. If known, the class or classes for the goods or services, the details of the applicant and the territories to be covered. In addition we of course can also renew an existing trade mark registration on our clients behalf.
Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator or the right to publish or reproduce his creations or give permission to do so without reducing limitations according to the laws. The announcement is the recitation, broadcasting, exhibition, sale, distribution of a creation by using any instrument, including Internet media, or perform in any way so that a work can be read, heard, or seen someone else.